We've pulled together some frequently asked questions to help you plan your trip to Saint-Pierre et Miquelon. Please read the information and consult all provided links to ensure you have the most up-to-date travel information.
The information provided on this page was last updated on February 17, 2023. Please be aware that restrictions may change at any time, and the best sources of accurate information are official government websites and documents.
Can I visit Saint-Pierre et Miquelon?
There are currently no restrictions for traveling to Saint-Pierre et Miquleon.
For detailed information, visit the Prefet de Saint-Pierre et Miquelon website.
How do I get to Saint-Pierre et Miquelon?
SPM Ferries operates a ferry service between Fortune, NL and Saint-Pierre et Miquelon. Visit the SPM Ferries website to view schedules and book tickets. Air Saint-Pierre offers flights between Saint-Pierre and St. John's, Halifax, and Montreal.
Do I need a COVID test to enter SPM?
Travelers no longer require a COVID-19 test to enter Saint-Pierre et Miquelon.
Do I need to isolate upon arrival in SPM?
Travelers are not required to isolate when they arrive in Saint-Pierre et Miquelon.
Do I need a COVID test to return to Canada?
Fully vaccinated travelers are no longer required to complete a pre-entry test to enter Canada. For more information, visit the Government of Canada COVID-19 website.